Sunday, March 29, 2020

Using Topic 2 Formulas and Equations For Your Childs Chemistry Questions and Answers

Using Topic 2 Formulas and Equations For Your Child's Chemistry Questions and AnswersTopic 2 formulas and equations may not be the best use of your time. For a child who has not mastered any topic yet, a topic about chemistry would be a good choice to learn about the things that you learned as a kid.The topics that you use for your child's chemistry questions and answers will depend on how much knowledge you have of this subject as well as how much knowledge you think your child has. One common topic for this is the topics on organic chemistry. This can be a useful topic for many people as long as you make sure that you are using the right version of the topic and answer key.If you have any type of chemistry kit, you should make sure that you are using the right version of the topic and answer key that you are using. Make sure that you are using the right version of the topic and answer key if you know that your child is not familiar with the topic.Once you have chosen a topic for yo ur child's chemistry questions and answers, you should begin the preparation process of the questions. These should be short ones, because you want to cover all the topics that your child knows in this subject and just ask what one might be about.You also want to make sure that you have all the correct formulae for chemistry questions that you are using. You do not want to end up with questions that have no answer key because you will need these in order to come up with an acceptable answer for a question.A good chemistry question will provide you with the information you need in order to decide whether or not your child should try to get an A, B, C, or D in their Chemistry class. Most parents are familiar with the calculation formula used in answering chemistry questions and so you should geta good chemistry question that using this formula.Using a topic that is related to chemistry may not be a bad idea. However, if you choose a topic that you know very little about, you might be better off simply giving your child a test question and letting them learn about chemistry on their own.

Friday, March 6, 2020

American International School in Egypt (West Campus)

American International School in Egypt (West Campus) American International School in Egypt (West Campus) AISE West opened in 2009 in Sheikh Zayed City and offers places to students in Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12.Servinga predominantly Egyptian community, the school has grown steadily to encompass the whole range from Pre-K to Grade 12 and currently we have 1380 students enrolled with the expat community steadily growing.AISE West is fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges, the Council of International Schools, and the Egyptian Ministry of Education. As an IB Worlds School we are authorized to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma in Grades 11 and 12, complementing our American High School courses whichfollowthe Virginia State and Common Core Standards of Learning and is designed to prepare students for entry into highly competitive colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, Europe, the Middle East and beyond. The attractive campus is located in a peaceful suburban setting about 12milesfrom Cairos center. We are an American International School with strong links to the local community and culture. Sports, vibrant visual and performing arts programs, and a strong commitment to service complement our academic life and international outlook.In Elementary School, our students are given many opportunities to participate in after school activities. In addition to swimming lessonsand ballet, our teachers organize various activities throughout the year, including dancing, singing, arts and crafts and ball games like four square. These activities are for students from grades 1 to 5 and are mixed grade levels, which gives students the chance to meet and interact with students outside their immediate peer group.In Secondary School, our students also have many opportunities to participate in after school activities such as the Model UN. Our secondary studets are also offered the opportunity to take pa rt inthe Week Without Wallsextracurricular travelprogram. AISE West will welcome applications from qualified and experienced (3 years minimum) teachers who are looking to make an immediate impact to our students learning journey. View our Brochure

Teaching English abroad A step-by-step plan

Teaching English abroad A step-by-step plan Hey you. I know you. I was you. At long last, you’ve finished your college degree. Your hard-earned diploma is sitting in a leather folder or framed in a place of honor on your parents’ wall. But now what? Let’s face facts. This generation of recent graduates is experiencing a tough job market, where even a degree in mechanical engineering might not guarantee you a job. It’s all you’ve been reading about in the news. What they don’t tell you is how to fix it. How do you find a job without job experience? Where can you gain some valuable work experience that pays well right out of college? And what if you are not ready for the 9-5 corporate life in a cubicle? How many side hustles are you currently planning? How many roommates are too many? How long are you going to live in your parents’ basement? Calm down! It’s ok! Breathe! Ever thought about combining travel and a job instead? Just kidding. I know you have, and I’m here to give you guidance, tips and basically be your personal cheerleader to help you on your way. If you’re looking to meet amazing, like-minded people, travel to foreign lands and teach a language you already know then follow me to your new life adventure teaching English abroad. The best part is, you’re already halfway there with your degree in hand. And the second part is very simple. With a TEFL certificate, all the world (and the awesome paying English teaching jobs it has to offer) will open to you. You in? OK, let’s cover the basics. HOLD UP! What is this TEFL thing I hear you harping on about? The acronym stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. When it comes to requirements for teaching English abroad, TEFL certification invariably tops the list. In a nutshell, a TEFL certificate shows employers that you’re qualified (and able) to teach English abroad. Think of it as your passport to get your real passport filled with stamps. Recommended reading: What is TEFL? Should I get TEFL certified? Comparing different ESL certifications: TEFL vs. TESL vs. TESOL 1. Get TEFL certified. Bet you saw that one coming! When I first made my decision to teach English in South Korea, I had no idea what to expect. But by getting TEFL certified, I was able to propel myself one critical step closer to living out my globe-trotting dreams. And helped me a pretty kickass teacher when I arrived, if I do say so myself. I know, I know, you just finished school. Maybe you vowed never to take a test again. If this sums up your feelings on the matter, then online TEFL courses can take as little as three weeks to finish and are relatively painless to move through the course materials in your own time. Aside from a TEFL being a prerequisite for any decent English teaching job abroad, it also gives you the foundational skills and knowledge you need to get the job done. Strolling into a room of students who speak another language and can easily use that language to make fun of your woeful teaching skills behind your back should make you perspire a little. Take it from someone who’s been there! Caveat: There’s no one-size-fits-all profile of the perfect candidate for English teaching jobs abroad. If you’re not sure whether you fit the bill, here are some more common FAQs on the topic: Will I face age restrictions teaching English abroad? Where can I teach English abroad without a degree? Can I teach English abroad without experience? Can I teach English abroad if I’m a non-native speaker? 1.5. Start saving for your TEFL course. This depends on where and how you decide to get TEFL certified (online or in person) but look to spend $,1000 and up for a reputable online course. The old saying you get what you pay for rings true in this case as well. A TEFL course suddenly becomes well worth the investment when it helps you get hired for a better-paying teaching job overseas with a reputable school. Related: How to spot common ESL job scams Aside from your TEFL, you need to set a realistic budget for teaching abroad, including housing, food, travel and health insurance, airfare and transport, excursions, and miscellaneous expenses. Your job benefits may help offset the cost of these, depending t=on the program or hiring school you’re working with. 2. Identify your ideal teaching destination. With the right qualifications and experience, the world is your oyster. Now that you have your TEFL certificate, you are the pearl. So where do you want to go? While there are plenty of fun resources to guide you on where to teach abroad, don’t forget to follow your own instincts. Asia is quickly becoming the most popular region to teach abroad because it has a wealth of travel and job opportunities for graduates who are fluent in English. But don’t forget about South America and Europe, where countries like Spain and Argentina are eager to hire TEFL-certified English teachers with a degree. Central America is also often overlooked but they are hiring a ton of new graduates in places like Mexico, too. I may be a little biased, but if you’re looking to immerse yourself in a completely new culture, then South Korea tops the list. Seoul is an amazing city full of excitement and culture. It’s busy and crowded but it’s fun and has plenty of English teaching jobs. Be prepared for moments of culture shock. You may not recognize the pizza and dried squid is definitely an acquired taste. Is it your priority to make the most money possible teaching abroad? If you have a degree in education and building up a healthy bank account is your focus, then consider the Middle East. If you’re not a licensed teacher but you still want to make bank, teaching English in China could be a good move for you. China’s relatively low cost of living, combined with great employee perks like free housing, make it a really attractive option for travel-motivated teach abroad hopefuls. Sign up to Teach Away today for access to the latest teaching jobs around the world. 3. Understand visa conditions. Red tape is never fun to navigate but getting a visa to teach abroad is an important step. If you’re like me, you probably just want to get going and maybe forget to do some quick research visa requirements for teachers in your top destination. It is, however, super duper important to investigate visa requirements for anywhere you want to teach, as these really do vary from country to country. The visa process in countries in Asia, for example, are generally pretty straightforward. As long as you meet some basic requirements, you shouldn’t have much trouble obtaining a work permit to teach there. If you’re a non-EU resident, however, you might not have such an easy time getting a visa to teach in Europe. Latin America is an easy region for North American graduates when it comes to applying for visas. We hate to break it to you, but if it turns out that you don’t fit the requirements to teach abroad in a certain country, then it’s back to the drawing board (see step 2 above). Some countries impose very specific (and seemingly arbitrary) rules and timelines when granting work permits for overseas teachers, while others may be less strict, so don’t despair. Often, employers will take responsibility for obtaining a work visa due to the complicated processes involved (or guide you, at the very least). That said, you’ll still have to fill out plenty of paperwork, so have your pen ready. Either way - hold off on booking that flight until your visa is sorted. 4. Search and apply for jobs. If you’re feeling particularly impulsive and happen to be flush with cash, you might opt to conduct your teach abroad job search in person. Of course, you’ll need to be 100% sure that somewhere is the destination for you and that you meet all the requirements. Many countries also frown on people entering the country on the tourist visa and kicking off a job search, so beware. But the fact is, there’s no need to take this drastic step. It’s never been easier to find a job abroad. The internet is responsible for the world’s greatest invention: cat videos. But next to that is its ability to make finding your dream job so much easier. Nowadays, you can apply for jobs with hiring schools anywhere in the world with a simple search on the Teach Away job board. With some quick clicking, you can apply to scores of jobs in one evening. Need a nudge in the right direction? Here are the five best teach abroad programs hiring right now! As you’re researching opportunities, note what expenses might be paid for. For example, whether a housing stipend is offered, and what you’ll be expected to contribute. (Believe me - you don't want any surprises on the ground!) 5. It’s time to set the wheels in motion! Dream job in the bag? First, make sure you understand your teaching contract thoroughly. After that, it’s time to plan your move. Are you going for a year, or maybe longer? Do you need a local bank account? Do you have a pet? What about your current apartment? Will you sublet or give up your lease? Remember, this is a big move if you decide to go for a year and a lot can happen. You may extend your stay, you may find a new job or perhaps you will fall in love! Who knows what can happen in a year. You may also struggle and find out teaching isn’t for you. It’s best to create a checklist and consider a fallback plan if you decide to come home early. This is also the time to start figuring our housing and determining what might be provided by your school or program, and what you will need to take care of independently. I’m too excited, can I just go and teach English abroad without a certificate? Since you just spent four years alongside thousands of other smart, eager job-ready colleagues, it only makes sense to give yourself all the advantages you possibly can. By all means, you can certainly try to get a teaching job abroad without a TEFL certificate but competition is fierce and most ESL jobs require you to have one. Plus, you will qualify for higher-paying teaching jobs if you are TEFL certified. Is teaching abroad after graduation the right move for me? If you’re excited at the prospect of teaching abroad but still have a strange little worry in the pit of your stomach, don’t worry! That just means you’re giving the process of teaching abroad the serious consideration it deserves. After all, if teaching abroad is really as amazing an experience as people say, why isn’t everyone doing it? Well for starters, it takes a certain type of adventurous personality to leave their native country to do a job they’ve never done before. Not only that, are you a good teacher? Do you like kids? Are you comfortable in front of a class? Are you imaginative? What about disciplining kids in a foreign language? If you’re nodding your head to the above then, chances are, you probably have what it takes to teach English abroad. But then there is living in a totally unfamiliar place. Trying to figure out where to eat, how to meet other people and generally navigating life in a brand-new country is not for everyone! My advice: get TEFL certified and the rest will fall into place. I had the best experience in South Korea. Not only did it boost my self-esteem, I learned about myself and how to face a variety of exciting challenges. Since my time abroad, I’ve been able to face any job interview or life obstacle with a certain level of confidence and diplomacy I would never have if I hadn’t taught abroad.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Heartbreak Its Sadly Very Real

Heartbreak Its Sadly Very Real Photo Via: We’ve all heard of it, whether just in the movies or in real life: people die of broken hearts. Think of classic movies like “The Notebook” or real-life, tragic stories like Doug Flutie’s.** The sad truth is, it’s more than possible to die of a broken heart. While its nice to think, somewhere in the distant future, you could die side by side with your loved one like the fictional story, The Notebook, realistically this isnt going to happen. Rather, one death results in another in a tragic, shocking way that isnt nearly as beautiful as it might play out on the big screen. The truth is, though Hollywood may replicate it on a far more dramatic scale, dying of grief is very realistic. And very sad. According to Dr. Simon Graff in the journal “Open Heart,” “The elevated risk was especially high for those who were young and those who lost a relatively healthy partner.” This risk also increases within the first few weeks of an unexpected loss, and remains this high for about a year after the death. To put numbers to the phenomena, people suffering a sudden, unexpected loss actually have about a 40 percent higher risk of atrial fibrillation (which is a heart arrhythmia that increases the risk of stroke and other, life-threatening health problems). And in the first two weeks after a death, the risk is close to double that. Using a detailed medical records system (a system that actually keeps track of all health visits), the team found that about 88,000 people were diagnosed with an atrial fibrillation (for the first time) between 1995 and 2014. Comparing this to the 880,000 healthy people in the same situation (age and other factors), they found that about 20 percent of both groups lost a spouse/partner in that time. Also, many in these groups also developed an atrial fibrillation. However, development of this atrial fibrillation was more likely to happen to those that had just lost a spouse/partner specifically if it was an unexpected loss. For instance, if a partner died of something suddenly, the surviving partner was more likely to develop a heart problem. The risk was less likely if the partner died of a long-lasting illness. According to the research team, “A long-lasting disease with great suffering and considerable care may be stressful and place high demands on the partner, and death may sometimes even be a relief.” There is also another, known medical condition, that’s triggered by shock or loss, called a takotsubo cardiomyopathy (also known as a stress cardiomyopathy) that causes the heart to go off beat. While blood-pressure lowering drugs couldn’t prevent this condition, ACE inhibitors could. In a very real story, Cyndy Bizon landed in the hospital following the news that her husband had suffered a sudden heart attack during what was supposed to be a routine surgery. According to Bizon, “I remember feeling dizzy … and trying to grab the counter. I remember a curtain of black that I couldn’t shake away coming down.” The sudden, shocking news that your loved one hasn’t made it, or in Cyndy’s case, may not make it, is oftentimes enough to send the surviving partner into a downward spiral which they have no control over. So while it’s a sad truth, it’s one to be very aware of. Loved ones will pass, that’s just how life works. While some will get lucky, others won’t be, no matter how prepared (or not prepared) they are, and there isn’t much to do in these instances. Life comes and goes, whether we’re ready or not. **For those not familiar with the story, Doug Flutie (a retired, NFL quarterback) lost both of his parents within one hour of each other. His father was hospitalized due to a heart attack, and the family had their chance to say their goodbyes and prepare for the worst. However, after the passing of her beloved husband, Doug’s mother suffered her own fatal heart attack within an hour of her husband’s passing. For Flutie, he lost two parents in the same day. For his parents, neither had to grieve the loss of the other for very long.

What Is Their A Book That Can Help Me Get Better At College Algebra?

What Is Their A Book That Can Help Me Get Better At College Algebra?Have you ever wondered what is there a book that can help me get better at college algebra? I know I have. Well, there are many books and guides to help you learn the right ways to approach each class.To get better at college algebra, you should read as much material as possible. It's always good to read different material from several sources and mix them together so you can learn more.One way to do this is to choose a book that covers college algebra. You can also choose a book that specializes in a particular subject so you can be sure to learn all the concepts.If you are really interested in reading a book on how to do your homework, you may want to make your own good choice. If you have been struggling with your grades, you may want to consider getting help.There are many books available on how to do your college algebra, but you need to do some research to find the one that will be right for you. Many are avail able in bookstores and some online. Your local library should have a copy of one of these books.A lot of the online resources are free, so if you do not want to invest your money into books, there are other ways to get help. You may want to use a website that has a lot of free material.There are other books that can help you as well, so you need to be sure to keep your options open. Once you find a book thatis right for you, you will be more confident about your work, you will have more self-confidence, and you will be able to learn more.

College and Career - Make Science Education a Priority

College and Career - Make Science Education a PriorityA Scripps Research Institute offers a great degree program in chemistry. Here you can study the sciences of chemistry, as well as how they work. The Scripps Research Institute has been offering several programs for chemistry students since the 1920's. Today, many scientists, engineers, and doctors are offered admission to this school.The department of chemical and biological engineering at the Scripps Research Institute offers many courses in the school of chemistry. This includes the course for the freshman Chemistry course. There are several other departmental courses for the chemistry major as well. These courses are vital to each student's college success.When looking for classes, it is important to know which ones have full enrollment. At some schools, there may be fewer full-time enrolled in one course than in another.The best way to choose an accepted course at Scripps Research Institute is to check their online listing for incoming students. The faculty will send you a list of the online classes that are being offered at the university. You will also want to look for online course classes offered by other universities. These will be a good idea because they will offer a course of study different from what is being offered at Scripps Research Institute.If you are not interested in a four-year degree, you can also get your bachelor's degree in chemistry at the Scripps Research Institute. Many of these courses allow you to earn your master's degree through a joint program with the business or engineering department. This is a great idea if you are interested in doing a dissertation. In order to complete this program, you will need to earn your bachelor's degree first. If you do not want to spend years working towards your bachelor's degree, then a shorter program would be better for you.The online degrees at Scripps Research Institute allow you to earn either a bachelor's degree in chemistry or a master 's degree in the same field. They may even allow you to study both at the same time. Once you complete a bachelor's degree, you will need to make sure you graduate from the school of science in order to gain admission to graduate school. To be accepted into graduate school, you will need to be enrolled in a graduate program at a school of science. That is why it is very important to consider other schools when deciding on a bachelor's degree.With so many people with special needs getting jobs, more institutions are making science education available to all people. You can earn a high-paying job in the sciences without ever having to leave your home. You can choose the colleges or graduate programs that fit your personality and you are prepared to take the career path of your choice.

Why Take Private School English Lessons

Why Take Private School English Lessons How English Tuition Can Help You and Your Child ChaptersReasons to Take Private English LessonsChoosing the Right English Tutor for YouHow to Find an English TutorThe Cost of English TuitionAlthough English is a major part of the school curriculum, many pupils find it difficult, and at a young age, this can majorly affect their levels of self-esteem when it comes to their academic performance.This is just part of the reason why English tuition is in such high demand.From Key Stage 1 all the way up to A Level, English lessons account for a large part of private tuition delivered across the UK and beyond.And there’s no doubt as to why this is the case.For every native English speaker, getting to grips with the grammar rules, tricky spelling and even handwriting are all significant hurdles that must be overcome to achieve true mastery of the language.Have you noticed your child struggling with their English homework?For some, understanding the complex aspects of the English language as well as practicing reading and writing is just too much to do with a school teacher alone.This is why many parents reach out to English tutors or tutoring companies to give their child the boost in confidence they need to achieve academic success.There are many fantastic reasons to enrol in extra-curricular English lessons, such as the fact that private tuition offers an opportunity for students to be taught according to their needs as an individual.This means that the tutor will take their student’s strengths and weaknesses into account in their approach to teaching, so that course content is optimised for the learner and their personal learning style.However, this does not mean that all tutors are the same in their approach to teaching.It is important that the learner is at the heart of the tuition they are receiving, but as vital as it is, finding the ideal tutor isn’t always easy.It is important to find someone who can help with specific areas of difficulty such as spelling or reading comprehension, for example, at an a ppropriate level for the learner.When it comes to seeking a tutor, some parents and students are in the dark.But not to worry!There are plenty of avenues you can explore to make sure the tutor you choose is the right one for you.Of course, supplemental instruction does come at a cost â€" luckily, with our tips on choosing your ideal tutor, you’ll be spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing affordable academic support.Need help for English exams? Hire a private tutor.wider audience than ever before, without having to join a tutoring agency.This means that more tutors are available to choose from, and they can develop their own teaching styles to suit their students.You may not have to look so far for your ideal tutor - they could be on your doorstep ¦ source: Pixabay - PexelsTutoring companies can also be useful - especially for those looking for a tutor to help them achieve specific grades in exams, as they can provide standardised and course-specific worksheets and textbooks to use alongside the student’s formal education.The easiest way to start your search for a tutor is to first look online.There is a wide range of platforms such as Superprof, where tutors from  all over the world advertise their services and are available for an online chat before you hire them as your tutor.A key benefit of finding a tutor online is the added security.By using online platforms rather than contacting tutors directly, you are adding a layer of safety, since many websites verify their tutors’ qualifications so that their users know they can trust them and gain valuable time.For those who prefer the traditional methods or if you’re looking for someone in your local area, there are also plenty of options.The advertising sections of local newspapers often display people offering tutoring services, with details on pricing and how to get in touch.Local shops and community notice boards are also good places to look for any leaflets or posters.Contacting the tutor dire ctly may be a more reliable way of conducting your mini interview since all it takes is a phone call!Whichever method you use to find your ideal tutor, it is important to make sure that they are qualified to an appropriate level or have an adequate level of experience in their field, as well as teaching experience.Carrying out these checks will ensure value for money and most importantly peace of mind.The Cost of English TuitionThe average price per hour for school English tuition in the UK is £19.28.This price is ever so slightly below the national average for one hour of tuition at £19.31, however, this does not mean that every hour-long English lesson in the UK costs around £19 â€" there are many factors which influence the pricing of one to one tuition.For instance, pricing can vary depending on where you live.Students in London pay £22.50 on average, whereas those in Pembrokeshire can expect to pay an average of just £15.00.Average prices in larger cities tend to be higher than those in rural areas, and this can be put down to demand.Cities offer a bigger choice when it comes to tutors, however, this also means higher demand, meaning tutors can charge more for their services.On the other hand, rural areas don’t offer as much competition between tutors and demand is lower, meaning that hourly rates are ultimately set with the tutee in mind.Densely populated areas also offer a wider range of skills from their tutors, simply because there are more of them and there is, therefore, a higher level of diversity in their knowledge.This means more tutors will be able to offer instruction at a higher level, driving the average price up.

How to learn English Through Immersion

How to learn English Through Immersion All The Ways You Can  Learn To Speak English Fluently ChaptersPlan Your English Language Stay With An AgencyHow To Go To England With Erasmus?Learn English By Living with an English Family?Our Tips To Improve Your English With Native SpeakersLet it be said: language learning at university in your home country is not always the most practical way to do it. An online English course needs to be experienced either in small groups or in complete immersion if one wants to progress.According to EF - Education First (an international education company), the level of English amongst European countries varies a lot. Sweeden, Norway and Denmark are at the top of the EF English Proficiency Index which measures the level of English proficiency of adults. Our Scandinavian neighbours scored around 70 (out of 100) giving them a High Proficiency Level.On the other hand,  Spain, Italy and France are all lagging behind ranking 32nd, 34th and 35th of the  EF English Proficiency Index and with scores around 55 they only make the mark for a Moderate Proficie ncy Level.So how can you learn English in immersion to become bilingual or even completely fluent? We will be giving you all the tips you need regarding  In-country  immersion classes, at home  language acquisition and learning experience or specialised English language coursework. JulianESOL (English) Teacher 4.00 (1) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EugeneESOL (English) Teacher 4.90 (58) £22/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HelenESOL (English) Teacher 5.00 (20) £32/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SuzanneESOL (English) Teacher 5.00 (2) £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaESOL (English) Teacher 5.00 (8) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamuelESOL (English) Teacher 4.83 (41) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoanneESOL (English) Teacher 5.00 (43) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsPlan Your English Language Stay With An AgencyYour English as a foreign language level isn't what it should be? You need a refresher course or you are trying to get ready for the TOEFL, TOEIC, TEFL or IELTS exams? Then you might want to consider getting in touch with a linguistic stay agency.To know how to speak English has become essential for a multitude of areas:In Marketing, to understand all the idioms used globally.In PR and events planning, to be able to communicate with a worldwide audience.For international student relations.In the tourism industry, to adapt and answer  clients need.Since English as a foreign language has become so essential, linguistic agencies have boomed and offered many different options:Associations of Linguistic Stays such as the  UNOSEL (a non-profit association federating   68 members, organizers of educational and language tours for schools, for young people and for adults)Certified organisations such as EF - Education First or  SILC InternationalReputable schools such as ESL (E nglish Second Language) or ESOL Schools also organise linguistic  internships overseas.Once you've picked your agency and where you'd like to go and the type of stay you wish to experience, you only have to make sure that you got all the necessary visas and paperwork.Dutch Philosopher Erasmus advocated for globalism centuries before the concept became a buzzword! Source: Wikipedia Credit: Albrecht DurerHow To Go To England With Erasmus?You need to complete an internship as part of your degree, or you wish to discover an English speaking country and improve your literacy, grammar,   comprehension, reading and writing skills and overall linguistics skills at the same time? If you are a European citizen, then Erasmus  is for you. But before you start your application, there are a few things you should know.As for any European certified language program, there is a screening for all candidates and only a limited amount of candidates will be accepted to join the program each year. Englan d is also in very high demand, being the only country in Europe with English as an official language.Here are the different steps you need to take to make sure you get in the Erasmus program:Find out which schools and universities are part of the program and rank them according to your prefered destination.Get in touch or meet with the International Relations director at your current university will go a long way.Preparation for your Erasmus application file and make sure it is fully ready in time.Then you will have to wait for an answer.All Erasmus candidate's application needs to include:  A cover letter that was written specifically for your projectA copy of all relevant university gradesA letter for the bursary applicationOne to three referral letters from your lecturersThere are a few more steps to once your application has been successful. You will have to get  the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to be covered whenever you end up during your internship.Of course, you wil l also have to make sure you got the right currency as the UK uses the Sterling pound rather than the Euro. Get yourself a plug adaptor too as once on the other side of the channel, all plugs will be different. And make sure to have all your documents safely stored.For now, the UK still accepts European Union national ID card at the border but with Brexit that might change and soon you will probably need a passport if you want to cross the border.One of the other reasons the UK is such a popular destination for Erasmus students is that students taking a semester or a year to study there usually receive around 400 euros a month as part of their bursary (vs. 250 euros a month for most of the other European destinations).But do not be fooled, this amount reflects the higher cost of living in England and especially in London. That being said, the current exchange rate will definitely play in your favour.Every year the United Kingdom welcomes more than 25,000 European students through Er asmus. The intercultural and multicultural approach of the program and the mix of language and culture intensive learning environment has proven to be a success for more than 30 years.Travel to London to immerse yourself in Shakespeare's language! Photo Via Visual HuntLearn English By Living with an English Family?The best thing about being hosted by a family is to be able to be in total immersion which is the best way to improve your English language skills and to learn more about British culture. Living with an English family is a way to learn in a very casual way with expert teachers: English first language speakers.But there are many countries using English as their official language and you could have to choose between:American EnglishScottish EnglishIrish EnglishAustralian EnglishAccents and local idioms are different from country to country and it is normal that living with an Australian family is going to be different than living with a British family.When choosing the count ry for your linguistic placement, keep in mind that it is a very common thing to do in the United States.Once you know where you want to go, you will have to get in touch with the right agency:Lingoo, put students and host families in touchChez Nous Homestay, spécialised in stays in IrelandExcellence Linguistique, if you wish to get a very intense learning experienceLEC, offers both English courses and stay overseas.There are more pros when it comes to choosing to stay with an English speaking family:You will attend intensive classes: courses will be at least 4 hours a day all week.You will be in total immersion.You will go out with your hosting family, make some friends and feel like your on holidays.You will benefit from a bespoke learning experience.You could look for a job and improve your business vocabulary.You will get ready for your English exams (TOEIC, TOEFL or IELTS).You will be able to show off on your resume.British vs American, what's the difference? ¦ source: Visual hunt - Free Grunge TexturesOur Tips To Improve Your English With Native SpeakersIt is true that speaking with English or American natives seems to be the most immersive way to improve in the mother tongue of Shakespeare. An you could do that in a few different ways:In your home country with English speaking students, there to study abroad.In your home country by meeting English speaking expats.Abroad by staying with an English speaking family.If you living in a big city it is very likely that the local universities will be welcoming foreign students and if you live in Europe chances are many of them will come from North America or the UK. It will be easy to find someone to be teaching English to you in a casual manner outside the classroom.These universities often have an international relations department who should be able to put you in touch with English language learners wanting to improve in your native language while you could learn theirs.Again, if you're lucky to live in a b ig city, expats love to learn more about the local languages and you will be likely to find so meet up events where local and expats mingle and try to improve each other language listening skills.However, the immersive method to learn English with natives is to go and meet them in their home countries. By staying with a local family, you will be sure that your level of English will improve drastically.Furthermore, there are many options when it comes to living abroad for a while: internships, linguistic exchange, Work Holiday Visas. So don't be shy, go and learn English in Malta, be an au pair for a bit in New Zealand, join an exchange programme with an American university...

Best Tools For Learning Hindi

Best Tools For Learning Hindi Find Resources To Help You Learn Hindi ChaptersBooks, Textbooks, Journals, Magazines,  And NewspapersWebsites And AppsIn this day and age, we have access to so much more than in previous years. Thanks to the Internet, we can read news from a country across the globe within seconds of it being published and can use the expansive  digital space to collect information and study things we might never have had the opportunity to do before the world of computers and smartphones.For instance, if we want to learn a new language from scratch, we can just download an app on our phone and get practicing with our spoken language. Not to mention the accessibility of flights nowadays. One can now fly to almost any city in the world on a budget airline and get a chance to see some unimaginable sights and soak up some truly unique cultures! And, more importantly, to speak the official language of the country.Did you know that the official language of India is often referred to as Hindi because it is the most widely spoken language of the nation?However, if you can't spare the cash or time, then there are many other resources that you can use to your advantage - both free and with a price tag.Depending on what it is you are hoping to gain from language lessons, you may be able to make do with some of the great free tools out there, but if you wish to learn quickly or for a specific purpose then the best way to learn may be to pay for services in Hindi language acquisition, like language courses or online lessons with a Hindi tutor.e-papers, magazines, books, comics etc. online and offline.Featuring many languages, you can read content from some of the top-selling newspapers of India, written in Hindi. Along with newspapers, which are free to read, you can also find a range of popular magazines covering anything and everything, from News to Health, Entertainment to Art, and much more.The extensive list of languages covered by the reading app include English, Hindi, Marathi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Punjabi, Gujarati , and Kannada, so once you've confidently mastered Hindi then you can move on to other Indo European or Indo Aryan languages! Can you spot Arabic, Persian, Urdu, or Bengali on their list?Websites And AppsAside from finding some language textbooks at your local library or WH Smith, why not consider some interactive online tools dedicated to language learners?Rocket LanguagesRocket Languages is a website that offers free lessons in Hindi, including how to learn Hindi common phrases, salutations, and pronunciation tools. As well as the many resources on offer, there's a forum for Hindi learners so you can speak to others in your position and exchange the easiest ideas and tips for learning this Indian language. Feel free to chat about phonetics, vowels, the present tense, Hindi vocabulary or even Bollywood if you wish!The Hindi version of this 'Rocket Languages' series is called 'Rocket Hindi' and the top level subscription includes 24/7 lifetime access, a 60 day no questions asked mon ey back guarantee, free upgrades for life, personalized progress tracking, flashcards for each lesson,  25 Advanced learning techniques, benchmarking and Hindi Certification tests,  24/7 forum and email support, as well as a 20CD pack + online access. All of this is available for just over £230!Other price packages are available and can be seen by visiting the website. Please note you can also use coupons to cut down the price of your tuition.Even cheaper, teach Hindi to yourself.DuoLingoDuoLingo is a very popular award-winning language learning app that boasts the ability to help you learn Hindi online by spending just five minutes a day going over its mini-tutorials. The addictive free app enables students to earn points for correct answers, race against the clock and move up levels. All of these aspects combined make of DuoLingo an exciting way to learn a new language like Hindi.Use dedicated language apps like DuoLingo to learn a language with proven results. Photo credit: Will iam Hook on Visual HuntIts slogan is: ‘Learn a language for free. Forever.’ This serves as a great reminder of just what is on offer here â€" the ability to acquire a new skill for life for absolutely no money at all.The owners of DuoLingo seem to have targeted this app at young professionals with limited time on their hands, who turn to their mobile phones during breaks from work, as well as those commuting to work with little else to do with their journey time.While Rocket Hindi requires a small fee, this language learning tool is absolutely free and will get you learning a new language in no time at all. Plus, with a structured app like this that has its own type of curriculum, the levels and reminders will keep you on track. It's one of the best survival tricks in the business of learning a new language, as it can also be used like a dictionary while you're abroad! Get started now, you have nothing to lose!As well as Hindi, you can learn German, learn Japanese, learn Arabic, learn Italian and many more languages.Glossika HindiGlossika Hindi is a product unlike anything else on the market for many languages, including Hindi for beginners, of course.The basic idea is that it gets you to listen to and reproduce natural sentences in Hindi with spaced repetition. Although it might seem strange at first, you’ll be amazed at the progress you make if you follow the method properly to the end.The Pro package is charged monthly at around £23 per month and features professional native speaker recordings, a weekly progress report, professional pronunciation transcriptions, unlimited reps for all languages, practice multiple languages, full access extended learning tools, unlimited offline download for all languages.Furthermore, you can buy the Enterprise package, which allows you to manage multiple users, view metrics, reports, and testing results, in addition to the features of the Pro package.HindiPod101The HindiPod101 course teaches learners of Hindi using a podcast-style format and videos. This type of language-rich content is the best way to learn more, fast, like Hindi greetings, other Hindi phrases and all about the language and culture of northern India.All lessons are fully downloadable for offline use and include a range of awesome features such as a vocabulary database, inbuilt flashcard app, grammar lessons, lessons on adjectives and pronouns and more. Features include:-Over 880 Audio and Video Lessons -Knowledgeable and Energetic Hosts -Vocabulary Learning Tools and Spaced Repetition Flashcards -Detailed PDF Lesson Notes -Lively Community Forum and Lesson Discussion -Learn on-the-go! -Study anywhere!One of the newer additions to HindiPod101 (as part of a higher tier membership option) is personal help from your own Hindi tutor, who can answer any questions you have about the Hindi language online.Language podcasts are great for picking up a new language as you can listen to fluent speakers and then repeat. Photo credit: kerto on Visual HuntWith HindiPod101, you'll learn Hindi with fun, interesting and culturally relevant lessons that are easy to listen to and will prepare you for speaking with Hindi speakers in their surroundings.